Monday, March 2, 2015

Project HOPE: HOPE Restored in Christ

Untitled Document K-LOVE's Digging Deeper
HOPE Restored in Christ
Musician Matt Hammitt shares about
being renewed in Christ
Excerpt from "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young

Come to Me for rest and refreshment. The journey has been too much for you, and you are bone-weary. Do not be ashamed of your exhaustion. Instead, see it as an opportunity for Me to take charge of your life.

Remember that I can fit everything into a pattern for good, including the things you wish were different. Start with where you are at this point in time and space, accepting that this is where I intend you to be. You will get through today one step, one moment at a time.

Your main responsibility is to remain attentive to Me, letting Me guide you through the many choices along your pathway.
Double Coma
Hope in me - God
Double Coma
This sounds like an easy assignment, but it is not. Your desire to live in My Presence goes against the grain of the world, the flesh, and the devil. Much of your weariness results from your constant battle against these opponents.

However, you are on the path of My choosing, so do not give up! Hope in Me, for you will again praise Me for the help of My Presence.
Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God!
I will praise him again— my Savior and my God!

Psalm 42:11 (NLT)
K-LOVE - 5700 West Oaks Blvd. Rocklin, CA 95765 - (800) 525-LOVE (5683)

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