Monday, May 4, 2015

Do You Feel Appreciated Mom?

K-LOVE - Digging Deeper K-LOVE's Digging Deeper
Mom's are AMAZING
Muscian Michael Tait Shares About Honoring His Mother
You Deserve a Six-figure Salary by: Lynn Donovan

A few years ago, I was intrigued by a story on a national news broadcast. The story highlighted the multiple jobs a mother performs and the equivalent compensation she would receive as a paid professional.

It is a whopping six-figure salary!

Predicated on the extensive domestic duties we perform, it is estimated a mother is entitled to a base salary of $47,179. However, when overtime is included, the annual pay skyrockets to $138,645.

Mothers, on average, log an astonishing 91.7-hour workweek. We multitask not because we can but because it is necessary. We cook dinner, set the table, answer the phone, wipe our toddler’s snotty nose, all while helping our ten-year-old with math homework.

Moms are long-term thinkers. We make choices every day that often won’t bear fruit until years in the future. We are cheerleaders, boo-boo fixers, and hot chocolate makers. We are the disciplinarian, the psychologist, and our child’s spiritual watchdog. We are faithful prayer warriors.
Double Coma
There is no greater calling
Double Coma
Motherhood offers no monetary compensation. Rarely are we encouraged with a pat on the back for a job well done. We receive no vacation time and if we are sick, we work anyway. However, the benefits are excellent.

As mothers we are privileged to peak in on our cherubs as they sleep to glimpse perfect peace and beauty. Our heart melts from a spontaneous hug and kiss. We experience a profound pride while watching our child take their first step or score their first soccer goal and rejoice the day they are baptized. We delight in their first love-crush, first pimple, and first date. We pray diligently over their learners permit.

We are elated over a great report card, a kind word spoken to a sibling and a crayon colored card that says, “I wuv you.”

We are blessed by God to be called to this profession. Motherhood opens a window in our soul to glimpse God’s vast and unconditional love for us. Mothering brings joy as well as heartache but most of the time we find fulfillment. We are serving the Most High by serving our children and their earthly father. There is no greater calling in the world than to raise up the next generation of Godly adults.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! You are amazing!
K-LOVE - 5700 West Oaks Blvd. Rocklin, CA 95765 - (800) 525-LOVE (5683)

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